Seven Years War
Prussians and their Allies
One of my hobbies is wargaming. Though I seem to collect figures more than actually game. Currently I'm working on a collection from the Seven Years War (1756-1763), to use with Charles Grant's rules. Things are slowly coming together and below are a few shots of what I have to date.
The figures are all 18mm Eureka. My main uniform references are the Kronoskaf SYW site and my book collection.
Austrians and Allies are HERE
Units are chosen by the colours of their facings or on the appearance of their flags. I'm making no attempt to build a historical order of battle and, as with the assignment of grenadier companies to their battalions and their carrying colours, will bend the "historical rules" for my own purposes.
Prussian Contingent (the regimental numbers weren't officially introduced until 1806)
Contingent commander (centre), Infantry commander (left) and
Cavalry commander (right) with escorts.
Brigade: I / Musketeer Regiment "Alt" Braunschweig (IR
5) and 18/43 Grenadier battalion. ^
know the 18th and 43rd grenadiers weren't combined to form a
battalion and I know that the grenadiers didn't carry colours.
Mine are and do.
Brigade: I / Musketeer Regiment von Itzenplitz (IR 13) and I /
Musketeer Regiment Moritz von der Asseburg (IR 27). ^
Brigade: 1 / Musketeer Regiment Markgraf Carl von
Brandenburg-Schwedt (IR 19) and 1 / Musketeer Regiment
"Jung" von Treskow (IR 32). ^
Brigade: 1 / Musketeer Regiment Forcade de Biaix (IR 23) and 1 /
Fusilier Regiment Balthasar von Schenckendorff (IR 42). ^
5 Brigade: 1 / Musketeer Regiment Prinz Ferdinand von Preußen
(IR 34) and 28/46 Grenadier battalion.^
grenadier note above.
Brigade: 1 / Fusilier Regiment von Rohr (IR 47) and 1 / Fusilier
Regiment von Diercke (IR 49). ^
Von Schack's Freikorps and Jaeger zu Fuss^
Kürassiere Regiment Markgraf Brandenburg-Schwedt (Nr 5) and
Kürassiere Regiment Prinz von Schönaich-Carolath (Nr 9) ^
Regiment von Schorlemmer (Nr 6) and Dragoon Regiment Herzog von
Württemberg (Nr 12) ^
Hussar Regiment von Zeithen (Nr 2) and Hussar Regiment v.
Billerbeck (Nr 7) ^
Prussian Artillery batteries ^
British-Hannoverian Contingent
1st Brigade- 1/3rd (Scots) Regiment of Foot Guards and Knesebeck
(Nr 3A)/Hardenburg (Nr 6A) Grenadier Battalion ^
2nd Brigade- The Queen's Royal Regiment of Foot (2nd) and Royal Welch
Fusiliers (23rd Regiment of Foot) ^
3rd Brigade- von Block Infanterie Regiment (Nr 8B) and von
Halberstadt Infanterie Regiment (Nr 13A) ^
<Photo coming
4th Brigade- Handsayd's (16th, later the
Bedfordshire) Regiment of Foot and Leighton's (32nd, later the
Cornwall) Regiment of Foot ^
5th Brigade- von Sachen-Gotha Infanterie Regiment (Nr 9A) and de
Chausses Infanterie Regiment (Nr 11A) ^
6th Brigade- Whitmore's (22nd, later the Cheshire) Regiment of
Foot and Manner's (36th, later the Herefordshire) Regiment of
Foot ^
British Cavalry Brigade- 4th (Black) Regiment of Horse and 6th
(Inniskilling) Regiment of Dragoons ^
three figures prancing past at the back are the General Officer
Commanding Cavalry (a bald-headed fellow from the Horse Guards)
and his ADC's from the 16th Light Dragoons.)
Hannoverian Cavalry Brigade- Grenadiere Regiment zu Pferde and
von Zepplin's Kürassiere Regiment (Nr 1 C-B) ^
Troops- Elliott's Light Horse (15th Light Dragoons) and
Campbell's Regiment of Foot (88th)^
(British) and Hannoverian Artillery Batteries ^
Brunswicker- Hesse-Cassel Contingent
Hesse-Cassel Brigade- 1 / von Gilsa and 1 / von Mansbach
Infanterie Regiments ^
Brigade- 1 / von Imhoff and 1 / von Zastrow Infanterie Regiments ^
Cavalry Brigade- Leib Kürassiere Regiment and v. Zeppelin
Kürassiere Regiment ^
commander and escorts at rear.
Schaumburg-Lippe Artillery Batteries ^