Seven Years War
Austrians and their Allies
One of my hobbies is wargaming. Though I seem to collect figures more than actually game. Currently I'm working on a collection from the Seven Years War (1756-1763), to use with Charles Grant's rules. Things are slowly coming together and below are a few shots of what I have to date.
The figures are all 18mm Eureka. My main uniform references are the Kronoskaf SYW site and my book collection.
Prussians and Allies are HERE
Units are chosen by the colours of their facings or on the appearance of their flags. I'm making no attempt to build a historical order of battle and, as with the assignment of grenadier companies to their battalions and their carrying colours, will bend the "historical rules" for my own purposes.
Austrian Contingent
Contingent commander (centre), Infantry commander (left) and
Cavalry commander (right) with escorts.
1st Brigade- Erzhog Carl (later IR2) / Bethlen (later IR52)
Grenadier battalion and 1/ Los Rios Infantry Regiment (later
IR9). ^
know that the grenadiers didn't carry colours. Mine do.
2nd Brigade- Salm (later IR14) / de Ligne (later IR38) Grenadiers
and 1/ Biberstein (aka Marschall-later IR Nr 18) . ^
Brigade- 1/ Lacy (later IR Nr 22) and 1/Harrach Infantry Regiment
(later IR Nr 47).^
4th Brigade- 1/ Haller (later IR Nr 31) Infantry Regiment and 1/
N. Esterhazy Infantry Regiment (later IR Nr 33). ^
(left) and Liccaner (right) Karlstader Croats. ^
Kuerassiere Brigade- O'Donnell (later C14) and Alt Modena
Regiments (disbanded at the end of the war). ^
Cavalry Brigade- Dragoon Regiment Saxe-Gotha (later DR Nr 28),
Dragoon Regiment Zweibruecken-Birkenfeld (later DR Nr 39) and
Hussar Regiment Kalnocky (later HR Nr 17). ^
Austrian artillery ^
Russian Contingent
1st Brigade- 1/Riazanskiy and 1/Rostovskiy Infantry Regiments in
winter dress. ^
2nd Brigade- 1/Novgorodskiy and 1/Permskiy Infantry Regiments in
summer campaign dress. ^
3rd Brigade-1/1st Grenadier and 1/2nd Observation Corps Infantry
Regiments in winter dress. ^
Cavalry Brigade- Rizhskiy Horse Grenadiers and Gruzhinskiy
Hussars ^
Russian artillery ^
French Contingent
Contingent commander (centre), Infantry commander (left) and
Cavalry commander (right) with escorts.
1st Brigade-
1/Poitou and 1/ Foix Regiments. ^
2nd Brigade- 1/Aquitaine and 1/Prince Louis of Nassau Regiments. ^
3rd Brigade- 1/Bretagne and 1/Chartres Regiments. ^
Brigade- 1/Bulkeley and 1/Ogilvey Regiments. ^
5th Brigade- 1/Eptingen and 1/Vierzet Regiments. ^
1st Cavalry Brigade- 1/Colonel-General Chevaux Legere and
1/Mestre de Camp Général Chevaux Legere Regiments ^
Cavalry Brigade- Condé Chevaux Legere and Royal Dragoon
Regiments ^
Light Troops- Corps de Fischer. ^
French artillery ^
Holy Roman Empire Contingent
1st Reich Auxilliary Brigade- 1/ Morawitsky (Bavarian) Infantry
Regiment and 1/Spiznass (Württemberg) Infantry Regiment. ^
Reich Auxilliary Brigade- Baden-Durlach/Salzburg Grenadiers and
1/Lubomirsky Saxon Infantry Regiment. ^
Reich Auxilliary Cavalry- Prinz Albrecht Saxon Chevauxleger
Regiment and Staff. ^